We are very pleased to announce that the Tern Raft is back in action out in the bay and ready for Common Terns to show up! The launch date was April 11th and it went off without a hitch. Each individual raft was moved from its winter land site by rollback and connected in the water to make the completed nesting platform. Thanks to all those involved! We couldn’t do it alone- it takes a great team to make something this huge successful!
The raft hasn’t had any structural changes to it since last year, so it is still the same size (48’x48′). The only difference is that we will increase the number of artificial plants and chick shelters. Most of the Common Tern nests on the raft last year were placed near either a plant or chick shelter, so we’re hoping that by increasing the amount of both, we can provide more nesting sites to accommodate more terns.
Photos by Coastal Bird Conservation Specialist Kim Abplanalp