Maryland Coastal Bays Program (MCBP), along with all National Estuary Programs, is required by EPA to develop and implement a ten-year Comprehensive Conservation & Management Plan (CCMP) as the roadmap for success for the program and its partners. EPA requires the CCMP to be revised every 10 years to reflect changing conditions, challenges and opportunities.
After two years of effort, thanks to the input from MCBP staff, our collaborative partners and stakeholders, and the public, we are pleased to present the final draft of our revised Comprehensive Conservation & Management Plan (CCMP) for public review and comment.
Interested members of the public are being asked to review the draft document and provide your individual comments – both general and specific – to us no later than close of business on Friday, February 28th. Specific comments should reference the page number, section and specific location in the text that is being addressed (e.g., page 13/second paragraph/third line; or Theme 3/Goal 2/Action 2.1.)
All comments should be sent as a Word attachment (preferred) or in the body of an email to Steve Farr. If you have any questions about the review procedure, please also direct them via email to Steve Farr.
We greatly appreciate the input you may have already provided in the development of our new CCMP and look forward to your feedback on this final draft document.