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Tizzard Island

Tizzard Island Climate Change Resiliency Plan and Restoration Project Design

Tizzard Island is a privately owned near-shore island in southern Chincoteague Bay that provides critical habitat and serves as a buffer for the mainland against the erosive forces of increased storminess and sea level rise associated with climate change.

MCBP received a grant from Maryland Department of Natural Resources to:

  • Develop a Tizzard Island Resiliency Plan that identifies and prioritizes climate-resilient restoration options that will increase the ability of the island to adapt to changing climate conditions; and
  • Design a nature-based shoreline stabilization and wetland restoration project—based on the Tizzard Island Resiliency Plan—to address erosion, sea level rise, and storm impacts.

Contribute Online

Become a member of the Coastal Bays Foundation and donate online securely through PayPal. Your financial contribution will go toward protecting our watershed, its habitat, and wildlife. The Maryland Coastal Bays Program Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit; all donations are tax deductible.